Dreaming of a Green Christmas?

See More Energy Saving Tips Here

 Simple Energy Saving Tips for the Holiday Season

Between cooking larger meals, hosting extra guests and decorating with lights,it’s not uncommon to use more energy during the holidays than any other time of the year.  The good news is that with a few adjustments, you can conserve energy and keep your utility bills lower than years past.

Consider these simple tips for using energy more efficiently this holiday season:

Decorate with candles
Lighting candles in place of electricity to illuminate a room is an easy way to cut energy costs while creating a warm holiday ambience in your family gathering areas.

Use LED lights
Compared to incandescent lights, energy-efficient LED lights consume up to 90 percent less electricity and last up to 10 times longer. They’re a great investment and easily pay for themselves in money saved on utility bills.
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Dreaming of a Green Christmas?
Dreaming of a Green Christmas?
Reviewed by pada mama
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